The aim of the India Urban Lab in Bangalore is to establish the primacy of natural systems in the urban development scenario. Given the growth trajectory of Bangalore and its complete reliance on an external and distant source of water, it is critical that long-term water security of the city is addressed on a priority. The most sustainable course of
action would recognize several aspects of the problem in an integrated manner. These would include natural water capacity at the regional level, current institutional fragmentation of water provision and distribution services (storm water management, treatment, storage, supply, wastewater, etc.), integrated land use planning, implications at macro and micro watershed levels, etc.
An exercise based on this premise would aim to develop an integrated strategy at the regional level, with a clear focus on management of natural resources embedded in policy and planning frameworks.
The Lab was in partnership with the International Federation for Housing and Planning (IFHP) Sweden and DAC, Denmark.
9/1 (89), 34 B Cross, 14 Main
4 T Block Jayanagar
Bengaluru – 560041